Horror Trailer Storyboard

Monday 12 December 2011

Costume design for various characters

In a way of following the rules, our final girl should wear something that is definitely not provocative. Also try to stick to something that’s not blatant female clothing. Possibly a shirt with some jeans. Colour is important for this can help portray the personality of the character well.  For example, colours such as black or plain white wouldn’t show too much femininity.

For the villain, the use of gauze (thin materials such as silk, cotton or linen) would be a very good route to follow. Furthermore hessian (material for brown sacks) would be ideal for the villain’s mask, especially as we want to give it the anonymous effect. The sack material should only have one hole for the eyes, so that only one is showing.

The eye will play an important role for the look of the villain. There are different ways of making it look frightening. One way is using black makeup around it. However there are the YouTube videos on unzipped makeup which would be ideal to gain inspiration from, as the techniques used in these videos are very effective.

The news reporter’s dress code should be formal as it will bring more realism to the final product. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a suit but just something that looks smart. Props can be used as well (glasses).

• The girls at the party who are handed the drinks, can be wearing their usual clothing, but the most important thing to remember is that they should not look similar to the final girl, and that their clothing should contain some feminine elements to it, even if it is a ring or gold bracelet.

Use of Diegetic Sound

Definition: The sound source that can be heard by the characters within a movie.


. Voices of characters
. Sound made by objects in the story
. Instruments coming from within the stroy (musical sounds)

Another way of looking at diegetic sound is that it is any sound that can be heard within the world of the movie.

Actual sound can also be recognised as diagetic sound.

It is also noted that diagetic sound can be on or off screen.

Research for diegetic sound is important as it plays a big part within the horror genre, as the use of sound is very much one of the conventions that makes the end product as scary as they are. A good example is Stepher King's 'IT' as the clown music would scare people who have phobia's of clowns. So the use of diegetic sound would be an extremely important factor when filming the trailer.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Artificial Lighting

As a group we researched into different lighting. My lighting research has been put up (natural), and other members of my group have also researched their own ones. Below is the research undertaken on artificial lighting:

Artificial Lighting:

∙ Artificial lighting is any lighting that isn’t sunlight.
∙ Artificial lighting is lighting which is man-made, such as fluorescent, tungsten, mercury vapour, sodium vapour, halogen, compact fluorescent etc. It can be turned on and off at a flick of a switch.
∙ There are also very special types of artificial light for specific purposes such as infrared heat lamps, ultraviolet lights for plant growth and tanning.
∙ In photography, different light sources have a different colour temperature which can be compensated for with special filters or simulated with special lighting. A flash simulates the light of the sun for a fraction of a second.

Monday 5 December 2011

Natural Light Techniques

Lighting is extremely important in regards to filming as it will help light out a scene. I've researched the techniques that can be used for natural light:

One way of using natural light to an advantage is the use of diffusion. This is a type of paper which when used can soften any shiny light elements coming from natural light, on the actors faces.

The moonlight can be used to an advantage if there is any night time shooting. This can be done through the use of reflectors or large white cards. Although some artificial light would be needed to assist with the lighting, this way consists of bouncing the moonlight from different areas on to the scene.

Snow can be used as a good reflector. It may not be as effective as reflectors, however light can bounce of the snow and on to the scene. The snow is still able to give a descent light source for the scene.

Wetting the ground can help illuminate a scene. This is because water is good reflector of light and, on the street, any form of light such as sun light, street lamps or car lights.

When attempting to make a scene look very effective, the use of dusk or twilight can come into action. The reason for this is because it is at this time in which natural lighting for the use of film will be most effective as there will be a mixture of light and darkness. For example, a night scene will still look very realistic, as it will be dark and as there is a lot of natural light, it will help illuminate the set with an impressive glow.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Media Deep Learning Day Work

During our media deep learning day we were sent off to gain some practice with the equipment that would be used for our final horror trailers. My group and I decided to go by creating a horror spoof trailer, and the results were positive, as we not only got used to the equipment but also got a great end product.

Below are pictures of us carrying out the filming of the project:

Below is the end product, our spoof trailer:

Inspiring Horror Trailers

Stephen Kings's 'IT'

'Hide and Seek'

'The Omen'

'See No Evil'

'The Host' (Korean film)

Friday 2 December 2011

Possibe Names for the Horror Film

Below are a list of names that can be used for the horror film:

. Stealth
. Deceit
. Enigma
. Hush Hush
. Haunting
. Vengeance
. Conspiracy
. Hush Hush

Film Trailer Discussion


How do we decide to go and watch a film at the cinema?

. Good reviews
. Friends want to go
. Hype
. How its advertised
. Cast
. Sequel
. Genre

What are the main jobs that film trailers have to do?

. Excite the audience
. Give audiences a preview
. Encourage people to see it
. Build on the anticipation
. Basic outline of the plot
. Show great scenes
. Show the cast

Why are film trailers shown in the cinema and on tv?

. Gives the audience opportunities to see the new films that will be released.
. Advertising - Taking advantage of the fact that there may be a lot of people at the cinema who they can then show it to.
. Show similar genre film, for marketing purposes

What other methods do film companies use to promote their films?

. Posters
. Leaflets
. Premieres
. Radio
. Internet
. Merchendising
. Images
. Music/Videos
. Contests
. Mobile Phone (Apps)
. Social Networking Sites