Horror Trailer Storyboard

Monday 5 December 2011

Natural Light Techniques

Lighting is extremely important in regards to filming as it will help light out a scene. I've researched the techniques that can be used for natural light:

One way of using natural light to an advantage is the use of diffusion. This is a type of paper which when used can soften any shiny light elements coming from natural light, on the actors faces.

The moonlight can be used to an advantage if there is any night time shooting. This can be done through the use of reflectors or large white cards. Although some artificial light would be needed to assist with the lighting, this way consists of bouncing the moonlight from different areas on to the scene.

Snow can be used as a good reflector. It may not be as effective as reflectors, however light can bounce of the snow and on to the scene. The snow is still able to give a descent light source for the scene.

Wetting the ground can help illuminate a scene. This is because water is good reflector of light and, on the street, any form of light such as sun light, street lamps or car lights.

When attempting to make a scene look very effective, the use of dusk or twilight can come into action. The reason for this is because it is at this time in which natural lighting for the use of film will be most effective as there will be a mixture of light and darkness. For example, a night scene will still look very realistic, as it will be dark and as there is a lot of natural light, it will help illuminate the set with an impressive glow.

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