Horror Trailer Storyboard

Monday 12 December 2011

Use of Diegetic Sound

Definition: The sound source that can be heard by the characters within a movie.


. Voices of characters
. Sound made by objects in the story
. Instruments coming from within the stroy (musical sounds)

Another way of looking at diegetic sound is that it is any sound that can be heard within the world of the movie.

Actual sound can also be recognised as diagetic sound.

It is also noted that diagetic sound can be on or off screen.

Research for diegetic sound is important as it plays a big part within the horror genre, as the use of sound is very much one of the conventions that makes the end product as scary as they are. A good example is Stepher King's 'IT' as the clown music would scare people who have phobia's of clowns. So the use of diegetic sound would be an extremely important factor when filming the trailer.

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