Horror Trailer Storyboard

Sunday 16 October 2011

Final Girl Theory (Carol j. Clover)

The theory of the final girl typically refers to the final girl standing in a horror movie, that ultimately stands victorious over the villain. The theory has been embedded in many different horror movies, some of which are:

. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
. Halloween
. Friday the 13th
. A Nightmare on Elm Street
. Scream

It is said that within films that contain the final girl theory, the audience generally start of by sharing the perspective of the killer but eventually end up experiencing a shift as they realise who the final girl is.

The final girl is usually the one who is sexually unavailable, which avoids the common errors made by characters in horror which end up ultimately with their deaths. The final girl also sometimes has a unisex name possibly to keep them unique to every other female character in the film. Clover also states that sometimes the final girl may have some sort of shared history with the villain.

Clover further states that the final girl becomes more masculinized when in confrontation with the villain especially if she takes up a weapon like a knife or a chainsaw.

Clover also argues that in order for a horror (mainly slasher) film to work properly, it is vital that the overall victor is a female character who has been objected to terror, as it may not seem as effective if it was a male.

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