Horror Trailer Storyboard

Thursday 13 October 2011

Todorov's Narritive Theory

Todorov's narritive theory relates to horror as it does to most if not all genres. It consists of a six part structure that is said to make up the film. The structure is designed to state the film starts at a point and then constantly builds up to a peak and then ends at the same point it would hav started st.

Below is the structure:

. Equilibrium
. Disruption
. Complications
. Crisis
. Climax
. Resolution

An example to help prove the theory could be in the film 'Psycho'.

. Equilibrium - Main characters want to marry
. Disruption - They can't as Sam is in a lot of debt and Marion has stolen a lot of money
. Complications - Marion decides to take a shower rather than staying for dinner
. Crisis - Marion is killed by an anonymous figure in the shower
. Climax - Norman is the psycho, and has been killing people dressed up as his mother
. Resolution - Norman is put in jail and Marion's car is retrieved.

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