Horror Trailer Storyboard

Thursday 13 October 2011

Representations of Horror

There are many different representations of Horror.

Teen: This is usually when a horror films include the use of teenagers as the main characters and the movie is aimed at this age group. Good examples for this representation would be 'The Faculty', 'Blair Witch' and 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'.

Society: This is a representation of horror as it allows the horror genre play with a system of living that we as the audience are used to. So for instance when the villain is living in an isolated area, it seems quite wierd as they seem so deprived and away from society making way for their villainous traits. Further more when socity is in danger it can come as a scare as it could mean that a lot of people are in danger in a living system that should be secure.

Vulnerablity: This is a good representation of horror as it every single horror films use it. In every horror film there is at least one character who is vulnerable as something is out to get them, whether in a chase scene or in the secure comfort of their home which has been exploited.

Women: The use of female characters in horror is very important as it they are usually the ones being targethed. This links with the representation of vulnerability as they are targeted constantly throughout. It also links to the final girl theory which concentrates on the final person standing is the woman after all the events have occurred.

Villains: In every horror there is usually a villain/monster or evil entity. Over tyhe years this has been explored in many different ways, such as the monster/vampire elements of Nosferatu to evil spiritual enitites to finally the introduction exploiting the evil in man himself in films like 'Psycho'.

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