Horror Trailer Storyboard

Sunday 26 February 2012


Below is the prezi presentation for my evaluation on the A2 media coursework:

'Hush Hush' premiere audience feedback

As mentioned during the premiere, we handed out questionnaires for audience feedback. This was done to learn about what our audience felt about our trailer, magazine and poster and it is almost like a review. Overall the results were really positive and this shows that the products succeeded in their job of relating to horror as much as possible.

Below is the results of the questionnaire, with both the recorded questions and answers:

'Hush Hush' premiere invitation

As a part of the process, we were made to invite people to the premiere of the trailer, so that we could gather some audience feedback. Below is the invitation for the premiere:

Hush Hush Trailer

The final trailer:


Through following the shot schedule we began filming. Of course through the process, we came across problems that we had to take care of and a prome example is that of when we began filming on our first day. We headed off to the house that was schduled for and filmed a descent amount of shots. Then finally when we decided to take a look at the shots on the computer, we realised they actually didn't work. So we learnt more about how we felt about the look of the trailer. This also was hit home to us when we took the shots of the scenes in which the killer confronts the final girl, however we were not happy with the lighting and so re did some of the scenes.

We attempted to follow the conventions of horror as much as we could when creating the trailer.

Below are some of the things we took into consideration:

The final girl is wearing black throughout the trailer as it connotes that she is haunted by her dark past.

Similarly the villain is always wearing black as he is the evil character, however the use of the white mask was to show some form of humanity as the killer feels his actions are just.

The setting was mainly in the dark. This was as it gives a spine chilling effect and mainly as we only wanted to show the killer in the dark, as it is the point people feel most vulnerable.

We placed an establishing shot of the university as we felt it needed to be shown so that the audience could see that we were going along with the idea that there was going to be a place that is supposed to be safe, is exposed by this evil character.

The knife is extremely important as it is a weapon used by many killers as it allows them to get up close and personal with the victims.

We also made sure the killer was completely hidden so that it gave him a mysterious presence and also a monstrous element like the famous horror villains such as Michael Myers.

Final Magzine evaluation

The picture of the final poster took inspiration from Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho'. This was mainly in regard to the villain, Norman Bates:

It was important that there was as much detaile placed within the product to give it the maximum effect of looking like a real magazine. For instance when carrying out research, we noticed that 'Empire' liked to make the style of some mastheads the same like the Hellboy edition for instance, in which the masthead is lit up in fire. So with this in mind, we decided to do similar, hence the reason we placed the knife with blood dripping down on it.

With the rest of the magazine we just followed all the conventions. For instance, text placed all around the page on what will be included in the magazine. Furthermore promoting the magazine and attempting to convince people to buy it through giving free things such as posters. Furthermore we included having a banner at the bottom of actors being included. We also added simple things such as the price and the date.

Again we added the correct colour schemes that would follow the genre well such as black, red and white.

Saturday 18 February 2012