Horror Trailer Storyboard

Sunday 5 February 2012

Use of lighting when shooting the actual trailer

With lighting being one of the most important factors of filming, keeping to grips with using ot correctly was essential. We attempted to use both natural and artificial lighting.

The use of natural lighting was used with the establishing shot in which we picked the time of day which actually had a descent amount of light, however also contained a slightly gloomy look too, so that it would set off this energy and feeling for the genre,

There was a prodominent use of artificial lighting to help catch out the correct look for each scene. In fact the first secenes of the trailer with the dead girls which contained the flash light look, was an interesting use of artificial light. This was because we actually didn't use a flash light but the actual LED light, but covered some of the edges to give it the effect.
In the scenes in which the killer is constantly after the final girl, the use of LED light was extremely important as it was the only source of light used, so the positioning and power was done to give maximum effect. For example, the scene in which the killer grabs the final girl and points the knife to her face, the lights position was to the side and so it also allowed the knife to glint when it was moving. Another reason the LED lighting was used without any other light, it still allowed the scene to look clear but also allowed it to look dark which related to the theme of horror extremely well, as the setting was relevant.

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