Horror Trailer Storyboard

Friday 10 February 2012

Questionnaire analysis

As I have already explained there were twenty people that took part in the questinnaire for the poster. This was done so that there was a wide spectrum of opinions.
Results analysis:

1. Gender?
Male: 50% / Female: 50%

I purposely chose to have an equal amount of male female candidates to take part so that the results would appear to be more fair.

2. Do you watch horror films?
Yes - Regular: 30% / No - Never: 10% / Sometimes: 60%

Judging from these results, most of the candidates do watch horror films sometimes, and there were a few that watched regularly. It works well that there were people in each callibre as it allows a difference of opinion for the questionnaire. For example, the regualr horror film watchers will have a very different opinion to those who never watch horror, but this would work as it could help see the broad variety of opinions in researching how to make the poster work best.

3. What is the purpose of a film poster?
To sell the film - 70% / To give an in sight to the film - 30% / Every other film has one - 0%

The answers given in this question were really interesting as the obvious contenders were the first two, hence the reason they received all the votes. Most people believed that the main purpose was to sell the film, which in fairness could be argued well, as a good poster that appears interesting could really work effectively in making people wating to view the trailer, and from there having the trailer convince them to go and see the film. It is also understandable that the second choice was picked as it does give a slight in sight to the film. For instance, when we see the poster of 'Saw', we know that the film will be gory. This question shows that there should be a massive focus on making the poster as interesting as possible so that an in sight can be given and so that it will sell.

4. What makes a good film poster?
Popular answers: Colours / Picture / Font  

This question based around the candidates to write down their opinions. The most popular answers was the ones states above (colours, picture and font). This question links in well with the previous question because the answers given are all factors in making the poster stand out and work well in order to achieve making the poster interesting enough to make people want to watch the film and give an in sight to the film.

5. What do you think are good conventions for a horror film poster?
Popular: Blood / Weapon / Villain

Again this question is similar to the previous one in the sense that it was for the candidates to write down their opinions with the most popular being blood, villain or weapon. In fact most horror posters do follow these conventions in which they have blood, weaponry or the villain, as it allows the poster to boast the genre.

6. Pick two colours that would best suit a horror film poster?
Popular: Red / Black / White

The colours picked for this question were quite likely to be picked as a lot of horror posters use these colours. The black shows off darkness, the white can show purity and the blood and red connotes death.

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