Horror Trailer Storyboard

Sunday 26 February 2012

Final Magzine evaluation

The picture of the final poster took inspiration from Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho'. This was mainly in regard to the villain, Norman Bates:

It was important that there was as much detaile placed within the product to give it the maximum effect of looking like a real magazine. For instance when carrying out research, we noticed that 'Empire' liked to make the style of some mastheads the same like the Hellboy edition for instance, in which the masthead is lit up in fire. So with this in mind, we decided to do similar, hence the reason we placed the knife with blood dripping down on it.

With the rest of the magazine we just followed all the conventions. For instance, text placed all around the page on what will be included in the magazine. Furthermore promoting the magazine and attempting to convince people to buy it through giving free things such as posters. Furthermore we included having a banner at the bottom of actors being included. We also added simple things such as the price and the date.

Again we added the correct colour schemes that would follow the genre well such as black, red and white.

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