Horror Trailer Storyboard

Sunday 5 February 2012


There were many different locations used in shooting the trailer. In actual fact the locations changed. At first we were to shoot some of the trailer at Leanne (one of the student's in the group) house, however we decided to re do the shooting within the premises of the college. This was because space was limited and there was more of a variety of rooms within the college. Furthermore, the whole look of the college allowed us to portray a similar university setup, with corridors and learning facilities.

List of locations in the college used for the trailer:

Establishing shot of the college gives the audience an idea of the location of where the film is set.

College halls - We shot some scenes within the college hallways, however ended up scrapping the scenes die to there not being enough darkness.

College Kitchen - Took shots of the killer picking up the knife.

Classrooms - Shots were actually taken within class rooms with both the killer and the final girl.

Media Studio - The shots of the two girls dead were shot in this studio, and some shots of the killer were also shot here.

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