Horror Trailer Storyboard

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Final Poster Analysis

The poster created follows many of the conventions of horror. Firstly the colour schemes can be noted. The main colours used in the poster are black, red and white. This was not only done due to the questionnaire but also because these colours are extremely effective when it comes down to the horror genre. These colours all connote things that relate to the horror genre well. For instance, black links to darkness, white links to purity and red connotes blood and death. The colours were also mixed up a little, so for example, placing blood on the mask shows how filth and death is covering up the purity left in some characters such as the final girl and even the killer through his beliefs in what he is doing is correct.

The main purposes of the poster is to sell the film and also give an in sight to the film. This is what has been the purpose of the poster that has been created. The way in which this has been done is by placing the mask that the killer wears in the poster but also putting in the blood to show that it is a slasher horror. It also gives an in sight to the film by placing a tag line questioning 'Can you keep a deadly secret?' This relates to the film well as it is about a secret that leads to major porblems. Furthermore by placing a review on the poster helps with the merchandising and selling the film, as the review is positive stating 'Simply Spinechilling'.

All the other conventions of a poster have been placed as well such as the credits, which shows the talent behind the film. There is also the age rating which shows hoiw gory the horror is. So with ours being an 18 shows how gory and horrific the film is likely to be. Furthermore the production company's logo is also put on the poster as it is part of the credits and shows people the company that helped produce the film, which would be a huge boost especially if the film does extremely well.

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