Horror Trailer Storyboard

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Our story with Todorov's narritive theory

The story for the horror trailer links with Todorov's six part structure thoery.

The theory is broken up into the following parts:


Below is the links to our story and the narritive theory:

Equilibrium - Final girl's first day at the university.

Disruption - In the past she has commited a crime of murder that haunts her.

Complications - The person that was murdered was a close person to another person who is close by.

Crisis - An anonymous figure is after her, dressed completely hidden through his mask.

Climax - The killer is discovered by the final girl and he is killed by her, by being stabbed in the chest.

Resolution - She lies down beside a dead body and eventually sits in a cell, but is safe from the danger of the killer.

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