Horror Trailer Storyboard

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Copy Cat Theory

Copy Cat Theory:

. It relates to how something is publicised in the media and findings suggest that the public naturally copy what they see to gain the qualities of those that appear onn screen such as copy cat murderes.

This theory is one that contains a very powerful argument suggesting that the public naturally copy what they see on TV. When further researching into the theory, there is evidence on proving this theory to be correct as there is in doing the opposite. For example, an example was found that after Christopher Nolan's batman film 'The Dark Knight' was released, a man dressed up in a Joker costume and decided to try and rob a bank. However it could be argued that this is not the case for all people as its not everyday that this type of news appears. Furthermore, it could be seen as correct in the sense that characters in films are seen as being relatable, and so therefore we as the public may immitate even the smallest traits and not realise it.

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