Horror Trailer Storyboard

Friday 18 November 2011

Desensitisation Theory

Desensitisation Theory:

. To over expose to varying behaviours on screen makes the audience immune to these and thus harder to shock. As a result the effects are generally nore widely spread.

This is a theory that explores the ideas that due to the fact that so many different routes have been taken in the horror genre, that it is becoming a lot harder to satisfy and scare people. It is a very interesting theory as it can be seen as true to an extent, as there does seem to be a lack of horror movies with fresh ideas. A good example could be the use of vampires. Once upon a time, vampires were considered as scary devilish creatures, whereas today, they are seen more as beings that are adored. However there are still people who are really scared of horror films and some horror films still do their job to frighten the audience.

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