Horror Trailer Storyboard

Tuesday 8 November 2011


Director: Alfred Hitchcock

Known for:

. Revolutionising the horror genre
. Introduced slasher horror
. One of the best horror films ever made

'Psycho'(1960) has been renowned as one of the best horror films ever made. It has set out a basis for many other films in the genre, which is notable through the clear inspiration more modern day horror takes. For instance the first use of psycho strings, in the iconic shower scene. Since then many horror films have started to make use of this element, and it has now become a convention used in the genre. Slasher horror was mainly introduced from this film and has introduced it for other horror films.

The shower scene is a good example of the different horror elements in the film:

Camera angles:

. The close up on the blood entering the drain is iconic as blood is a big horror element, and it signifies the death of a main character.
. The closeup on the skirting falling also connotes the death of a main character.
. Panning to the money is signinficant as it conveys the message of it being evil.
. Constant closeup on the shower is interesting as it allows the audience to see how oblivious Marion (the main character is to what is about to happen.


. The use of scary sound effects shows off the horror elements well.
. There is silence when Norman Bates talks to his mother when we think it is her who has killed Marion.


. The shots move extremely fast as Marion is being stabbed to show off the brutality of her death.

Point of view:

. There are points in which Marion is being stabbed where it seems as if we are watching the film from the killer's point of view.
. Similarly there are points where it seems as if we are watching it from the point of view from Marion.
.This is quite effective as it builds anxiety as the audience can see the scene from the viewpoints of the killer and the victim.

Mise en scene:

. The shadow of the killer is a huge convention of horror as it has a frightening element to it.
. The fact that it plays with the use of conventions keeps the film engaging. For instance, the room is lit up when they are ususally dark, but this allows the audience to see everything.
. Marion is alone in the apartment which is used in many horror films. It is a huge convention, when a character is attacked when they are alone in their apartment and vulenrable in a place where they should be most safe.

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