Horror Trailer Storyboard

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Evaluation of my questionnaire results

The questionnaire that was created will help me gain a good idea on what can be done to make my horror film trailer as intimidating and as effective as possible.

Below is a further analysation and evaluation of the results from the questionnaire:

1. The first question is on gender, and I purposely chose to have an equal amount of people from both genders to do the questionnaire, to see the difference in results. It was interesting to see that the opinions were quite similar.

2. The age ratings differed but there was at least one person that fitted into each age slot. This works well as it gives a wide range of ideas from the different age groups, and in some areas it was noticeable such as the favourite horror films in which the person who was 40+ actually really enjoyed 'Nosferatu', whereas everybody else chose more modern horrors.

3. Most of the latest horror films see by the candidates were new such as 'Paranormal Activity 3', 'Insidious' and 'Red Riding Hood'. Infact the two films that have been out for some time were 'The Grudge' and  'Scream 4'. These films were chosen by the people who actually said that they didn't really enjoy horror films and so this question shows that horror is still a genre that is watched a lot, as most people who do like the genre still keep up with the latest films within the genre.

4. This question explored what scared people the most from a specific list. In fact from the list no one selected that the dark or heights scared them the most. It was a mixture of spiders, injections, blood and supernatural entities. Supernatural entities gained the most votes, however the others also had a fair amount of votes as well. This information will be useful when coming to conclude the different props and story elements for the trailer.

5. This question on what the different candidates favourite horror films were. Every candidate enjoyed different ones, which was good as it does shows the difference in taste between people. Furthermore it also shows how people like different styles of horror, which will be good as it can help me implement the different styles of horror within my horror trailer. Furthermore each candidate enjoyed the different horrors for different reasons. For example one said that they liked the story and another said that they liked the use of suspense. This is good as it shows that I should try and implement a lot of these elements within the trailer.

6. This question gave four options and asked what scared people the most in horror films. Out of the options of supernatural entities, fear of the unknown, monsters or human beings. Psychotic human beings seemed to frighten people the most and after that it was fear of the unknown. With these two as the most, it would be good to take into consideration in a possible route in using these factors. However supernatural entities and monsters also gained some votes and so this route can also be taken.

7. When asked about the weaponry that is the most frightening, every candidate mentioned the use of sharp objects being the most effective. Most of them mentioned a knife and few said a chainsaw, and so this could show that the use of a knife is quite vital and will have to be taken into serious consideration.

8. The main colours that were quoted in the questionnaire for a poster were black, red and white, This was not suprising as a lot of horror film posters do depict these colours. Furthermore the use of blood was also mentioned which would also be a good element for a poster.

9. Most of the candidates wrote that they enjoyed horror films, and it was only a few that didn't. The ones that did had different reasons for enjoying the horror films such as enjoying th story, liking the fact that it would scare them and enjoying the tension that the films built up. These are all vital traits in horror films and will definitely have to be implemented into the horror trailer.

10. The final question shows off the effect that horror has on people and when asked how the candidates preferred to watched horror films, every single one said with others in their house or at other friends houses. This was good as it shows the mental effects that horror films have on audiences. It also motivates me to make a horror trailer where people wish to watch it with others rather than on their own, as it will show off how frightening the horror film looks.

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