Horror Trailer Storyboard

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Questionnaire and results

1. Gender?
Male - 50%
Female - 50%

2. Age?
0-15 - 10%
16-25 - 40%
26-40 - 40%
40+ - 10% 

3. What is the latest horror film you have seen?
Paranormal Activity 3 - 40%
Insidious - 30%
Scream 4 - 10%
Red Riding Hood - 10% 
The Grudge - 10%

4. What frightens you the most from the following list?
Supernatural - 40% 
The Dark - 0%
Spiders - 20%
Heights - 0%
Blood - 20%
Injections - 30%

5. What is your favourite horror film?
Drag me to hell - The whole idea of the supernatural creature appearing every three days, petrifying the girl and drag her to hell was freaky.
Dark Water -  Did a brilliant job of building  suspense to a crucial point at the end.
Drag me to hell - Liked that it had a humorous element to it.
Halloween - Great Soundtracks and a good villain.
Nosferatu - Good because it was frigtening even though there was no speech.
Scream – Always on edge
Paranormal activity –  Scary when I thought it was real
The Ring – Liked the story line
Black Swan – Thrilling and freaky
Mirrors – Interesting concept

6. What frightens you most in horror films?
Fear of the unknown – 30%
Supernatural – 20%
Monsters – 10%
Human beings (psychotic) – 40%

7. What weapons do you find the most intimidating in a horror film?
100% - Every candidate mentioned a sharp weapon. It was between that of a knife and chainsaw.

8. When looking at a horror poster, what colours or icons do you expect to see?
Black, red and white were the most chosen colours and when it came to iconography, the candidates chose blood.

9. Do you enjoy horror films and if so why?
80% of the survey takers said that they enjoyed horror films whereas 20% admitted that they didn’t. The reasons for not enjoying it were simple such as, “I don’t like to be frightened” whereas people who enjoyed it liked it for different reasons. One person said, “I find it entertaining” and another person said, “The thrilling element is actually quite fun in a weird way”. In fact another person mentioned, “I like being scared. I also like to test if a horror film actually can frighten me”.

10. How do you prefer to watch horror films? By yourself, with others at home or at the cinema?
100%- Every candidate said they preferred to watch a horror film with friends in a gathering at home.

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